The evaluation of Story – the star magazine
I chose for evaluation a Hungarian
magazine which is entitled Story – the
star magazine. It is a weekly magazine; it comes out every Thursday. The
editor in chief is Vivien Kökény-Szalay and the publisher is the Central
Médiacsoport Zrt. The title does not say too much to the readers, however, the
front page shows a lot about the content and the quality of the magazine.
title is always written in white with red background. Usually there are at
least three, but rather four or five photos of Hungarian celebrities on the
front page with captions often quoted by them. The front page is crowded and it
tries to give as much information as it can. The editors put happy, tragic and
divisive lead stories on it, which could draw people’s attention at first
sight. Occasionally one of the stories seems more important and essential than
others; it is marked by larger pictures and characters. Moreover, the magazine
is obtainable sometimes with a CD, a fashionable scarf or makeup, and this information
is indicated on the top of the page. The CDs are created for the magazine by
Hungarian musicians. The price is 225 HUF; however, it is more expensive if we
choose a copy with a plus service, as the mentioned CDs or accessories.
magazine always consists of fifty pages. On the first page we can see the table
of context and some pictures of celebrities with the page number with a larger font
size. In addition, there is a “Picture and story” about a special, happy moment
from a star’s life in a few words. The articles are always organised in
sections, such as “In focus”, “Stardust”, “Coulisse”, “Stars’ weekdays”,
“Party”, “Love stories”, “What happened to them?” and “Blue blood”. It is
important for the editors to report fresh and new stories. They always try to
bring out the affected people and it is not rare that they publish deep
the middle of the magazine there is a separate section, called “Female extra”.
The main topics are family, health and kitchen, including the typical issues in
which women are interested. For example, we can read about the latest and most
successful diets and ideas about how to live a healthy and sporty life.
Furthermore, we can learn useful tips about how to utilize several natural materials
in cooking and cleaning. The editors use a friendly tone to address the
readers. For instance, in the latest copy there were typical examples of
unfaithful man types from celebrities’ lives. If we read the article, we could
feel that the stars are not different from us. It could happen with a beautiful
diva as well that her husband is cheating on her. As a part of this extra
section we always see our weekly horoscopes and a one-sided crossword.
this magazine advertisements do not play the major role. We can find some
commercials about other magazines, television shows or fashion items; however,
a maximum five or six pages from the fifty contain advertisements. It occurs to
publicize something like a mobile service only on half of the page next to
shorter articles.
to my observations, the target audience of this publication is definitely women
between twenty and sixty or even older. However, it is not impossible that also
men read it, if they are curious about what is happening in the world of
well-known people. The magazine’s content shows famous people, not only today’s
celebrities, but also avowed artists. Among the diverse stories everybody could
find a point of interest.

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